This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

OTN Field Reporting Standards

This workshop will review standards for data submission and metadata template completion. Then, we will discuss reporting ROV and SSS records, explore how the field team can use GitLab, a brief look at all the nodes currently partenering with OTN, details of the data base including data pushes.

If you have questions about this curriculum, please reach out to


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Background What is the Ocean Tracking Network?
How does your local telemetry network interact with OTN?
00:05 2. Introduction to the Data Portal What is the Data Portal?
What features will be most useful to me?
00:35 3. Reporting to the Database How do I report to the OTN Database?
Why should I report my data?
How do I receive my detection matches?
01:05 4. Snipe IT Inventory System How do I add assets
How do I check in or out?
How do I fix my mistakes?
01:35 5. ROV and SSS Reporting Why is it important to keep ROV/SSS records?
How are ROV/SSS missions reported?
How can we improve this workflow?
02:05 6. Introduction to Asana What is the purpose of Asana?
How can the Field Team use Asana?
02:35 7. Ops Dashboard What is the OTN Ops Dashboard?
03:05 8. Introduction to Nodes What is an OTN-style Database Node?
03:35 9. OTN System, Structure and Outputs What does an OTN-style Database look like?
What is the general path data takes through the OTN data system
What does the OTN data system output?
04:00 10. Data Push What is a Data Push?
What are the end products of a Data Push?
04:10 11. Beyond Telemetry In what other ways does OTN support animal telemetry researchers?
04:10 12. OBSOLETE - Introduction to GitLab What is the purpose of GitLab?
How can the Field Team use GitLab?
04:40 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.