This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Loading, formatting, and plotting spatial data objects


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I plot my data on a map if my coordinates aren’t in latitude and longitude?

  • Where can I find environmental data for my study area (like bathymetry)?

  • Learn how to register the spatial component of your dataset, creating a spatial object

  • Learn how to re-project spatial data objects into different coordinate systems

You may have noticed that our latitude and longitude columns were in a surprising unit. UTM coordinate systems have some positive aspects that are useful, but some desireable activities, like plotting them alongside rasters of bathymetric data, or with any other dataset that has lat/lon coordinates, requires conversion to ‘true’ latitude and longitude values. So let’s convert our dataset to be a spatial data frame with decimal-degree latitude and longitude as its coordinate system.

# Say that stS is a copy of our seaTrout data

coordinates(stS)<-~lon+lat # tell stS that it's a spatial data frame with coordinates in lon and lat
proj4string(stS)<-CRS("+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") # in reference system UTM 33

We’d like to project this into longlat - but the spTransform() can take this to any projection / coordinate reference system we might need.

# Project it to a different, strange CRS.

st<-spTransform(stS, CRS("+init=epsg:28992"))   # what is epsg:28992 - - netherlands/dutch topographic map in easting/northing
st<-data.frame(st)  # results aren't a data.frame by default though.
View(st)  # It knows the coords should go in lon and lat columns, but they're actually still easting/northing as per the CRS we chose.

# Project it to the CRS we want it to be:
st<-spTransform(stS, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) # ok let's put it in lat/lon WGS84

So now we have a spatially-aware data frame, using lat and lon as its coordinates in the appropriate CRS. As we want to see the underlying study area, we can use the min/max values of our latitude and longitude columns to subset a world-scale dataset, or to fetch a terrain/bathymetric map from a public data source. We’ll do this for the NOAA-provided ETOPO1 bathymetric data, using functions provided by a library called marmap.

x=.5 # padding for our bounds
st <- st %>% as_tibble(st) # put our data back into tibble form explicitly
bgo <- getNOAA.bathy(lon1 = min(st$lon-x), lon2 = max(st$lon+x),
                     lat1 = min(st$lat-x), lat2 = max(st$lat+x), resolution = 1) # higher resolutions are very big.

# now we have bgo, let's explore it.                     
class(bgo); bgo %>% class # same %>% concept as before, these are just two ways of doing the same thing

# let's see what it looks like:
plot(bgo) # what's a 'bathy' object?

plot(bgo, col="royalblue")


As a housekeeping step, we’ll often use fortify to first turn the raster into an x,y,z data.frame and then optionally as_tibble to make it explicitly a tibble. This makes our plotting functions happy, and works for any raster file! Here’s the syntax to turn bgo into a x,y,z dataframe and then into a tibble.

bgo %>% fortify %>% as_tibble   

A few helper functions that we’ll use for our bathymetry map can be plussed into the ggplot call. scale_fill_etopo() will give us a sensible colorbar for our bathy and topographic data. and ggplot provides a few theme_xxxx() functions for pre-setting a bunch of style options.

# Let's really lay on the style with ggplot
bgo %>%
  fortify %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, y, fill=z))+
  geom_raster()   +  # raster-fy - plot to here first, see the values on a blue-scale. This isn't the fjords of Norway....
  scale_fill_etopo() +  # color in the pixels with marmap's scale_fill_etopo to see the positive values more clearly.
  labs(x="Longitude", y="Latitude", fill="Depth")+
  theme(legend.key.width = unit(5, "cm"))

You can save the output of your ggplot chain to a variable instead of displaying it immediately. We’ll come back to this bathymetric map of our domain later on and lay some more stuff on top of it, so let’s save it to bplot to make that easy on ourselves.

We’re also going to plot our data points on here, just the distinct lat and lon values to avoid overplotting, but now we’ll know where all our listening stations are. A point of order here. Our bathymetry has a z value in its aesthetic, but our sub-plotted receiver points don’t have that! To avoid ggplot chastening us for this ‘missing’ positional data, we tell it we’re being different with the aesthetics using inherit.aes=F in our call to geom_point().

bplot<-bgo %>%  # Save the output of the plot call to a variable instead of showing it.
  fortify %>%  # Turn a raster into a data.frame
  ggplot(aes(x, y, z=z, fill=z))+  
  geom_raster()+       # raster-ify
  scale_fill_etopo()+  # color in the pixels
  labs(x="Longitude", y="Latitude", fill="Depth")+
  theme(legend.position="top") +
  geom_point(data=st %>%
               as_tibble() %>%
               distinct(lon, lat),
             aes(lon, lat), inherit.aes=F, pch=21, fill="red", size=2)+ # don't inherit aesthetics from the parent,
                                                                        # original map is lat/lon/depth, points without Z vals will fail to plot!
  theme(legend.key.width = unit(5, "cm"))

bplot  # now that it's in bplot, here's how you can show it if you need to.

Hang onto bplot in your environment for now. We’ll use it later on!

Key Points