This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Telemetry Report Creation

This workshops will introduce reporting methods using telemetry and biologging records.

We will be using some of the popular software packages, including dplyr and ggplot2, for the purpose of generating summaries for reports.

If you have questions about this curriculum, please reach out to


Setup Download files required for the lesson
14:00 1. Background OTN + Workshop Outline What is the Ocean Tracking Network?
How does your local telemetry network interact with OTN?
What methods of data analysis will be covered?
14:05 2. Background Intro to R What are common operators in R?
What are common data types in R?
What are some base R functions?
How do I deal with missing data?
14:05 3. Background Starting with Data Frames How do I import tabular data?
How do I explore my data set?
What are some basic data manipulation functions?
14:05 4. Background Intro to Plotting How do I plot my data?
How can I plot summaries of my data?
14:05 5. Telemetry Reports - Imports What datasets do I need from the Network?
How do I import all the datasets?
14:15 6. Telemetry Reports for Array Operators How do I summarize and plot my deployments?
How do I summarize and plot my detections?
14:45 7. Telemetry Reports for Tag Owners How do I summarize and plot my detections?
How do I summarize and plot my tag metadata?
15:15 8. Other OTN Telemetry Curriculums How can I expand my learning?
15:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.