This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

BIOL/MARI 4323 - Introduction to R: Setup


You will requre 1) all the correct programs, 2) all the listed R packages 3) the dataset and code. Instructions for all these are below.

Please see the attached document for program instructions: - Program Install Instructions.docx

Once all of the programs are installed, open RStudio and run the below package install scripts. It’s best to run it line by line instead of all at once in case there are errors.

Note: When running through the installs, you may encounter a prompt asking you to upgrade dependent packages. Choosing Option 3: None, works in most situations and will prevent upgrades of packages you weren’t explicitly looking to upgrade.

Beginner R Workshop Requirements

# Tidyverse (data cleaning and arrangement)

# Lubridate - part of Tidyverse, improves the process of creating date objects

# GGmap - complimentary to ggplot2, which is in the Tidyverse
#This is a temporarily available API key you can use for plotting StadiaMaps in ggmap this workshop. You SHOULD NOT rely on this key being available after the workshop.

# Plotly - Interactive web-based data visualization

# ReadXL - reads Excel format

# Viridis - color scales in this package are easier to read by those with colorblindness, and print well in grey scale.

Dataset and Code

Once the above packages are installed, you can download the datasets and code for this workshop from this link

  1. Select the GREEN “Code” button at the top and choose “Download ZIP”
  2. Unzip the folder and move to secure location on your computer (Documents, Desktop etc.)
  3. Copy the folder’s path and use it to set your working directly in R using setwd('<path-to-folder>').

If you are familiar with Git and Github, feel free to clone this repository as you normally would, by running git clone in a terminal program and following from step 3 above.