This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Telemetry Reports - Imports


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What datasets do I need from the Node?

  • How do I import all the datasets?


Importing all the datasets

Now that we have an idea of what an exploratory workflow might look like with Tidyverse libraries like dplyr and ggplot2, let’s look at how we might implement a common telemetry workflow using these tools.

View(tqcs_matched_10_11) #already have our Tag matches

#need our Array matches, joined

teq_qual_2010 <- read_csv("data/teq_qualified_detections_2010_ish.csv")
teq_qual_2011 <- read_csv("data/teq_qualified_detections_2011_ish.csv")
teq_qual_10_11_full <- rbind(teq_qual_2010, teq_qual_2011) 

teq_qual_10_11 <- teq_qual_10_11_full %>% slice(1:100000) #subset our example data for ease of analysis!

#need Array metadata

teq_deploy <- read.csv("data/TEQ_Deployments_201001_201201.csv")

#need Tag metadata

tqcs_tag <- read.csv("data/TQCS_metadata_tagging.csv") 

#remember: we learned how to switch timezone of datetime columns above, if that is something you need to do with your dataset!!

Key Points