Telemetry Reports for Tag Owners
Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I summarize and plot my detections?
How do I summarize and plot my tag metadata?
New data frames
Filtering out release records from the detection extracts
#optional subsetted dataset to use: detections with releases filtered out!
tqcs_matched_10_11_no_release <- tqcs_matched_10_11 %>%
filter(receiver != "release")
#optional full dataset to use: detections with releases filtered out!
tqcs_matched_10_11_full_no_release <- tqcs_matched_10_11_full %>%
filter(receiver != "release")
Mapping my Detections and Releases - static map
Where were my fish observed?
base <- get_stamenmap(
bbox = c(left = min(tqcs_matched_10_11$longitude),
bottom = min(tqcs_matched_10_11$latitude),
right = max(tqcs_matched_10_11$longitude),
top = max(tqcs_matched_10_11$latitude)),
maptype = "terrain-background",
crop = FALSE,
zoom = 8)
#add your releases and detections onto your basemap
tqcs_map <-
ggmap(base, extent='panel') +
ylab("Latitude") +
xlab("Longitude") +
geom_point(data = tqcs_matched_10_11,
aes(x = longitude,y = latitude), #specify the data
colour = 'blue', shape = 19, size = 2) #lots of aesthetic options here!
#view your tagging map!
Mapping my Detections and Releases - interactive map
Let’s use plotly!
#set your basemap
geo_styling <- list(
fitbounds = "locations", visible = TRUE, #fits the bounds to your data!
showland = TRUE,
landcolor = toRGB("gray95"),
subunitcolor = toRGB("gray85"),
countrycolor = toRGB("gray85")
#decide what data you're going to use
tqcs_map_plotly <- plot_geo(tqcs_matched_10_11, lat = ~latitude, lon = ~longitude)
#add your markers for the interactive map
tqcs_map_plotly <- tqcs_map_plotly %>% add_markers(
text = ~paste(catalognumber, scientificname, paste("Date detected:", datecollected),
paste("Latitude:", latitude), paste("Longitude",longitude),
paste("Detected by:", detectedby), paste("Station:", station),
paste("Contact:", contact_poc, contact_pi), sep = "<br />"),
symbol = I("square"), size = I(8), hoverinfo = "text"
#Add layout (title + geo stying)
tqcs_map_plotly <- tqcs_map_plotly %>% layout(
title = 'TQCS Detections<br />(2010-2011)', geo = geo_styling
#View map
Summary of tagged animals
This section will use your Tagging Metadata
# summary of animals you've tagged
tqcs_tag_summary <- tqcs_tag %>%
#filter(UTC_RELEASE_DATE_TIME > '2019-06-01') %>% #select timeframe, specific animals etc.
group_by(year = year(UTC_RELEASE_DATE_TIME), COMMON_NAME_E) %>%
summarize(count = n(),
Meanlength = mean(LENGTH..m., na.rm=TRUE),
minlength= min(LENGTH..m., na.rm=TRUE),
maxlength = max(LENGTH..m., na.rm=TRUE),
MeanWeight = mean(, na.rm = TRUE))
#view our summary table
Detection Attributes
Joining the detections to the tag metadata will add line-by-line morphometrics and other information!
#Average location of each animal, without release records
tqcs_matched_10_11_no_release %>%
group_by(catalognumber) %>%
summarize(NumberOfStations = n_distinct(station),
AvgLat = mean(latitude),
AvgLong =mean(longitude))
#Lets try to join to our tag metadata to get some more context!!
#First we need to make a tagname column in the tag metadata, and figure out the enddate of the tag battery
tqcs_tag <- tqcs_tag %>%
mutate(enddatetime = (ymd_hms(UTC_RELEASE_DATE_TIME) + days(EST_TAG_LIFE))) %>% #adding enddate
mutate(tagname = paste(TAG_CODE_SPACE,TAG_ID_CODE, sep = '-')) #adding tagname column
#Now we join by tagname, to the detections without the release information
tag_joined_dets <- left_join(x = tqcs_matched_10_11_no_release, y = tqcs_tag, by = "tagname")
#make sure the redeployed tags have matched within their deployment period only
tag_joined_dets <- tag_joined_dets %>%
filter(datecollected >= UTC_RELEASE_DATE_TIME & datecollected <= enddatetime)
#Lets use this new dataframe to make summaries! Avg length per location
tqcs_tag_det_summary <- tag_joined_dets %>%
group_by(detectedby, station, latitude, longitude) %>%
summarise(AvgSize = mean(LENGTH..m., na.rm=TRUE))
Summary of Detection Counts
Lets make an informative plot showing number of matched detections, per year and month.
#try with tqcs_matched_10_11_full_no_release if you're feeling bold! takes ~30 secs
tqcs_matched_10_11_no_release %>%
mutate(datecollected=ymd_hms(datecollected)) %>% #make datetime
mutate(year_month = floor_date(datecollected, "months")) %>% #round to month
group_by(year_month) %>% #can group by station, species etc.
summarize(count =n()) %>% #how many dets per year_month
ggplot(aes(x = (month(year_month) %>% as.factor()),
y = count,
fill = (year(year_month) %>% as.factor())
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge2")+
ylab("Total Detection Count")+
ggtitle('TQCS Detections by Month (2010-2011)')+ #title
labs(fill = "Year") #legend title
Other Example Plots
Some examples of complex plotting options
# monthly latitudinal distribution of your animals (works best w >1 species)
tqcs_matched_10_11 %>%
group_by(m=month(datecollected), catalognumber, scientificname) %>% #make our groups
summarise(mean=mean(latitude)) %>% #mean lat
ggplot(aes(m %>% factor, mean, colour=scientificname, fill=scientificname))+ #the data is supplied, but no info on how to show it!
geom_point(size=3, position="jitter")+ # draw data as points, and use jitter to help see all points instead of superimposition
#coord_flip()+ #flip x y, not needed here
scale_colour_manual(values = "blue")+ #change the colour to represent the species better!
scale_fill_manual(values = "grey")+
geom_boxplot()+ #another layer
geom_violin(colour="black") #and one more layer
#There are other ways to present a summary of data like this that we might have chosen.
#geom_density2d() will give us a KDE for our data points and give us some contours across our chosen plot axes.
tqcs_matched_10_11 %>% #doesnt work on the subsetted data, back to original dataset for this one
group_by(month=month(datecollected), catalognumber, scientificname) %>%
summarise(meanlat=mean(latitude)) %>%
ggplot(aes(month, meanlat, colour=scientificname, fill=scientificname))+
geom_point(size=3, position="jitter")+
scale_colour_manual(values = "blue")+
scale_fill_manual(values = "grey")+
geom_density2d(size=7, lty=1) #this is the only difference from the plot above
#anything you specify in the aes() is applied to the actual data points/whole plot,
#anything specified in geom() is applied to that layer only (colour, size...)
# per-individual density contours - lots of plots: called facets!
tqcs_matched_10_11 %>%
ggplot(aes(longitude, latitude))+
facet_wrap(~catalognumber)+ #make one plot per individual
Key Points