Starting with Data Frames
Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
How do I import tabular data?
How do I explore my data set?
What are some basic data manipulation functions?
Importing from csv
takes advantage of tidyverse pipes and chains of data manipulation to create powerful exploratory summaries.
If you’re unfamiliar with detection extracts formats from OTN-style database nodes, see the documentation here
#imports file into R. paste the filepath to the unzipped file here!
lamprey_dets <- read_csv("inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv", guess_max = 3102)
#read_csv() is from tidyverse's readr package --> you can also use read.csv() from base R but it created a dataframe (not tibble) so loads slower
#the guess_max argument is helpful when there are many rows of NAs at the top. R will not assign a data type to that columns until it reaches the max guess.
#I chose to use this here because I got the following warning from read_csv()
# Warning: 4497 parsing failures.
#row col expected actual file
#3102 sensor_value 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 66.000 'inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv'
#3102 sensor_unit 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE ADC 'inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv'
##3102 glatos_caught_date 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 2012-07-04 'inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv'
#3103 sensor_value 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 62.000 'inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv'
#3103 sensor_unit 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE ADC 'inst_extdata_lamprey_detections.csv'
Exploring Detection Extracts
Let’s start with a practical example. What can we find out about these matched detections?
head(lamprey_dets) #first 6 rows
View(lamprey_dets) #can also click on object in Environment window
str(lamprey_dets) #can see the type of each column (vector)
glimpse(lamprey_dets) #similar to str()
#summary() is a base R function that will spit out some quick stats about a vector (column)
#the $ syntax is the way base R selects columns from a data frame
Detection Extracts Challenge
Question 1: What is the class of the station column in lamprey_dets?
Question 2: How many rows and columns are in the lamprey_dets dataset?
Data Manipulation
What is dplyr
and how can it be used to create summaries for me?
library(dplyr) #can use tidyverse package dplyr to do exploration on dataframes in a nicer way
# %>% is a "pipe" which allows you to join functions together in sequence.
#it can be read as "and then". shortcut: ctrl + shift + m
lamprey_dets %>% dplyr::select(6) #selects column 6
# dplyr::select this syntax is to specify that we want the select function from the dplyr package.
#often functions are named the same but do diff things
lamprey_dets %>% slice(1:5) #selects rows 1 to 5 dplyr way
lamprey_dets %>%
distinct(glatos_array) %>%
nrow #number of arrays that detected my fish in dplyr! first: find the distinct values, then count
lamprey_dets %>%
distinct(animal_id) %>%
nrow #number of animals that were detected
lamprey_dets %>% filter(animal_id=="A69-1601-1363") #filtering in dplyr!
lamprey_dets %>% filter(detection_timestamp_utc >= '2012-06-01 00:00:00') #all dets on/after June 1 2012 - conditional filtering!
#get the mean value across a column using GroupBy and Summarize
lamprey_dets %>%
group_by(animal_id) %>% #we want to find meanLat for each animal
summarise(MeanLat=mean(deploy_lat)) #uses pipes and dplyr functions to find mean latitude for each fish.
#we named this new column "MeanLat" but you could name it anything
Data Manipulation Challenge
Question 1: Find the max lat and max long for animal “A69-1601-1363”.
Question 2: Find the min lat/long of each animal for detections occurring in July 2012.
Dealing with Datetimes
Datetimes are special formats which are not numbers nor characters.
lamprey_dets %>% mutate(detection_timestamp_utc=ymd_hms(detection_timestamp_utc)) #Tells R to treat this column as a date, not number numbers
#as.POSIXct(lamprey_dets$detection_timestamp_utc) #this is the base R way - if you ever see this function
#lubridate is amazing if you have a dataset with multiple datetime formats / timezone
#the function parse_date_time() can be used to specify multiple date formats if you have a dataset with mixed rows
#the function with_tz() can change timezone. accounts for daylight savings too!
#example code to change timezone:
#My_Data_Set %>% mutate(datetime = ymd_hms(datetime, tz = "America/Nassau")) #change your column to a datetime format, specifying TZ (eastern)
#My_Data_Set %>% mutate(datetime_utc = with_tz(datetime, tzone = "UTC")) #make new column called datetime_utc which is datetime converted to UTC
Key Points