Matching Detections to Times
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What is time matching?
How do we perform time matching?
Explain time matching.
Step through the process of matching detections with times.
Assigning DateTimes to Receivers
We’ll join all the detections to station names, then filter out based on deploy and recovery date of the receiver and the detection timestamp.
det_file <- file.path('data', 'detections.csv')
rcv_file <- file.path('data', 'deployments.csv')
dets <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
Rxdeploy <- read_glatos_receivers(rcv_file)
dets_with_stations <- left_join(
dets %>% rename(
deploy_long_det = deploy_long,
deploy_lat_det = deploy_lat
Rxdeploy, by=c("station"))
dets_with_stations <- dets_with_stations %>%
filter(detection_timestamp_utc >= deploy_date_time, detection_timestamp_utc <= recover_date_time)
Key Points
Time matching links station deployment information to verify that all detections fall within the deployment period.
Generate a dataset for the station info in order to group detections.