This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Summarising and Plotting Data


Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are some of the ways to summarise my data?

  • How can I make plots of the summarised data?

  • Show how to summarise data by FishID.

  • Show how to summarise data by station.

  • Use ggplot and ggmap to display plots and maps of the data.

  • Use ggmap to track individual fish movement.

Summarise by FishID

We can group our data by animal ID, letting us isolate individuals for summary stats, plotting and further analysis.


animal_id_summary <- 
  dets_with_stations %>% 
  group_by(animal_id) %>%
  summarise(dets = length(animal_id),
            stations = length(unique(station)),
            min = min(detection_timestamp_utc), 
            max = max(detection_timestamp_utc), 
            tracklength = max(detection_timestamp_utc)-min(detection_timestamp_utc)) %>%


Summarise by station:

To group and summarise our data by station, we first need to find all unique station names and locations:


stations <- 
  Rxdeploy %>% 
  select(station, deploy_date_time, recover_date_time, lat=deploy_lat, lon=deploy_long)


Summarise detections:

Create a new data product, det_days, that give you the unique dates that an animal was seen by a station. This summary can be used to calculate a residence index as in Kessel et al. 2017

stationsum <- 
  dets_with_stations %>% 
  group_by(station) %>%
  summarise(detections = length(animal_id),
            start = min(detection_timestamp_utc),
            end = max(detection_timestamp_utc),
            uniqueID = length(unique(animal_id)), det_days=length(unique(as.Date(detection_timestamp_utc)))) %>%


Merge with station list:

We can then re-attach station summary information to the list of stations we made earlier.

stations2 <-
  stations %>% 
  full_join(stationsum, by = "station") %>% 
  filter(detections > 0) %>% # Filter out stations with no detections
  filter(deploy_date_time <= start & recover_date_time >= end) %>% 
  select(-start, -end)


Plotting data

Abacus plots:

Simple plots using the glatos library.


glatos::abacus_plot(dets_with_stations, location_col =  "station") # Plot by station
glatos::abacus_plot(dets_with_stations, location_col =  "animal_id") # Plot by animal

Nicer plots using the ggplot library.


plot_data <- 
  dets %>% 
  dplyr::select(animal_id, station, detection_timestamp_utc)

abacus_animals <- 
  ggplot(data = plot_data, aes(x = detection_timestamp_utc, y = animal_id, col = station)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Detections by animal") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", hjust = 0.5)) +
  scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)


abacus_stations <- 
  ggplot(data = plot_data,  aes(x = detection_timestamp_utc, y = station, col = animal_id)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Detections by station") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", hjust = 0.5)) +
  scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)


Spatial Plots:

Summarise data by station and individual ID, and then plot a map of each animal path.


# examine by station and FishID:
stationFishID <- 
  dets_with_stations %>% 
  group_by(station, animal_id) %>%
  summarise(lat = mean(deploy_lat), 
            lon = mean(deploy_long), 
            dets = length(animal_id), 
            logdets = log(dets))

# Peek at the first few rows

base <- 
    bbox = c(left = min(dets_with_stations$deploy_long),
             bottom = min(dets_with_stations$deploy_lat ), 
             right = max(dets_with_stations$deploy_long), 
             top = max(dets_with_stations$deploy_lat)),
    maptype = "terrain-background", 
    crop = FALSE,
    zoom = 8)
perm_map <- 
  ggmap(base, extent='panel') +
  ylab("Latitude") +
  xlab("Longitude") +
  labs(size = "log(detections)")+
  geom_point(data = stationFishID, aes(x = lon,y = lat, size = logdets, col = animal_id))


# can simply save plots using output window, or to save high res plots:
ggsave(plot = perm_map, file = "Key_permit_map.tiff", units="in", width=15, height=8)

Using maps to track movement patterns

Let’s look at maps by FishID to see individual fish movement patterns.

movMap <- 
  ggmap(base, extent = 'panel') +
  ylab("Latitude") +
  xlab("Longitude") +
  labs(size = "log(detections)") +
  geom_path(data = dets_with_stations, aes(x = deploy_long, y = deploy_lat, col = animal_id))+
  geom_point(data = stationFishID, aes(x = lon, y = lat, size = logdets, col = animal_id))+


Key Points

  • Data can be summarised by fish ID, station or detection.

  • Data can be plotted into an abacus plot by day, or can be mapped based on the station information.