Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
00:00 |
1. Introduction to Nodes
What is an OTN-style Database Node?
What is expected from a Node Manager?
Who is this training for?
What is the schedule for the next several days?
00:30 |
2. Upholding the Data Policy
How do I handle data requests?
00:40 |
3. OTN System, Structure and Outputs
What does an OTN-style Database look like?
What is the general path data takes through the OTN data system
What does the OTN data system output?
01:05 |
4. Setup and Installing Needed Software
What software does a Node Manager need?
Why do I need the recommended software?
How do I install the required software?
02:05 |
5. Data Loading Workflow
How does a Node Manager receive data?
How does a Node Manager track their To-Do list?
How can a Node Manager interact with their database directly?
02:50 |
6. Connecting to the Database from the Nodebooks
How can a Node Manager connect with their database in the Nodebooks?
How can a Node Manager connect with other Nodes for matching?
How can a Node Manager use Gitlab Automation in the Database Fix Nodebooks?
03:35 |
7. Project Metadata
How do I register a new project in the Database?
04:05 |
8. Tagging Metadata
How do I load new tags into the Database?
04:25 |
9. Deployment Metadata
How do I load new deployments into the Database?
04:55 |
10. Detection Loading
What is the workflow for loading detection data?
What do I need to look out for as a Node Manager when loading detections?
05:35 |
11. Moving Platform: Mission Metadata, Telemetry and Detection Loading
What are considered moving platforms. What are the use cases?
How do I load moving platform metadata, telemetry data, and detections into the Database?
08:05 |
12. Creating Repeatable Data Summaries and Visualizations
What reports and visualizations are provided to help me summarize the data held in my Database Node?
How do I create my own custom repeatable reports from the data held in my Database Node?
How do I share the reports I’ve created with other node managers?
08:35 |
13. Database Fix Notebooks
What should I do if the database values require a change?
08:50 |
14. Data Push
What is a Data Push?
What do I need to do as a Node Manager for a Data Push?
What are the end products of a Data Push?
09:00 |
15. Supplementary notebooks
What other Nodebooks are there that could be useful for me to know as a Node Manager?
09:15 |
16. Nodebook Improvement and Development
How do I request new features?
How do I report bugs to OTN?
What is my role in Nodebook develeopment?
09:25 |
Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.