OTN Node Manager Training: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to Nodes
  • Your Node is fully compatible with all others like it.

  • A well-connected Node Manager is essential.

  • OTN staff are always availble to support Node Managers.

OTN System, Structure and Outputs
  • All OTN-style Databases have the same structure

  • Databases are divided into project schemas which get certain tables based on the type of data they collect

  • Data in the OTN system moves from the raw tables to the intermediate tables to the upper tables before aggregation

Setup and Installing Needed Software
  • Node Manager tasks involve the use of many different programs

  • OTN staff are always available to help with installation of these programs or any issues

  • There are many programs and tools to help Node Managers

Data Loading Workflow
  • Node-members cannot access the database, you are the liason

  • Data submissions and QC processes should be trackable and archived

  • OTN is always here to help with any step of the process

Project Metadata
  • Loading project metadata requires judgement from the Data Manager

  • Loading project metadata is the first step towards a functioning project

Tagging Metadata
  • Loading tagging metadata requires judgement from the Data Manager

  • Communication with the researcher is essential when errors are found

Deployment Metadata
  • Loading receiver metadata requires judgement from the Data Manager

  • Communication with the researcher is essential when errors are found

Detection Loading
  • Its important to handle errors when they come up as they can have implications on detections

  • OTN finishes off detections Issues by running Matching and sensor tag processing

Supplementary notebooks
  • ipython-utilities has many useful notebooks for Node Managers to help them

Data Push
  • A Data Push is when we verify all the data in the system, fix any issues, and then provide detection matches to researchers

  • As Node Managers its your responsibility to get the data into the system so OTN can verify and get it ready to be sent out

  • Detection Extracts are the main end product of the Push

Fixing Data Errors
  • OTN is developing tools to support this.

Upholding the Data Policy
  • Node Managers have a key responsbility to ensure the Data Policy is followed.

Nodebook Improvement and Development
  • The Nodebooks are for you - OTN wants to ensure they remain useful


The glossary would go here, formatted as:

key word 1
:   explanation 1

key word 2
:   explanation 2

({:auto_ids} is needed at the start so that Jekyll will automatically generate a unique ID for each item to allow other pages to hyperlink to specific glossary entries.) This renders as:

key word 1
explanation 1
key word 2
explanation 2