This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

OTN's Telemetry Workshop Curriculum Base: Glossary

Key Points

Intro to R
Starting with Data Frames
Intro to Plotting
  • You can feed output from dplyr’s data manipulation functions into ggplot using pipes.

  • Plotting various summaries and groupings of your data is good practice at the exploratory phase, and dplyr and ggplot make iterating different ideas straightforward.

Telemetry Reports - Imports
Telemetry Reports for Array Operators
Telemetry Reports for Tag Owners
Introduction to glatos Data Processing Package
More Features of glatos
Basic Visualization and Plotting with glatos
Introduction to actel
Preparing ACT/OTN/GLATOS Data for actel
Basic Animation
Animation with pathroutr
Quality Control Checks with Remora
Spatial and Temporal Modelling with GAMs
Introduction to the miscYAPS package
Introduction to Git for Code
Other OTN Telemetry Curriculums



(Minor change for testing here.)